B. Sc(Hons), B.Med, FRACP, FCICM, MPH, TM
Steve is an intensive care physician and infectious diseases physician at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. Since 2017 he has been the director of The Alfred ICU, a 68-bed quaternary ICU specialising in trauma, advanced cardiac support, ECMO and burns.
He was the chair of the ANZICS COVID-19 guideline committee and is the current Clinical Director of the Australian Living Evidence Collaboration including the COVID-19 National Clinical Evidence Taskforce. He is a Professor of evidence synthesis at Monash University. He has a particular interest in critical infections and sepsis, is the lead author of the Australian Therapeutic Guidelines Sepsis chapter and an author on the Surviving Sepsis Guideline.
Steve is also a consultant for the World Health Organisation in the health emergencies and pandemic preparedness program. He has completed a Masters of Public Health and a Masters of International Health Leadership.
In 2022, he became a member of the College of Intensive Care Board.
Steve has an amazing wife and three awesome kids, who are much better than him at everything.
RN BN (Distinction) PGDip Nursing ICU, Cert IV TAE, MProfEd&Trng
Tania is a seasoned healthcare professional with a remarkable career dedicated to enhancing patient care and elevating clinical services. With a wealth of experience spanning across leadership and management roles, she has an unwavering commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery.
As the Clinical Service Director for Intensive Care Services, Tania leads with expertise and compassion. Her journey in healthcare leadership includes significant milestones such as her role as Associate Director of Nursing – Intensive Care and Hyperbaric Nursing, where she played a pivotal part in shaping the nursing workforce response to COVID, which saw a significant COVID response for the State of Victoria. She also served as a Clinical Nurse Manager in ICU with various portfolios over the years, ensuring that healthcare professionals were equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide exemplary patient centred care.
Tania's leadership skills were further honed in her secondment role as the Surgical Services Deputy of Operations and Nursing, where she oversaw the efficient functioning of surgical departments, contributing to the overall success of the Surgical Services Program.
Throughout her career, Tania has consistently championed patient-centered care and has been a driving force behind innovative approaches to improving healthcare services. Her dedication to excellence, combined with her extensive experience, ensures Tania’s determination to continue highlighting the achievements of the clinical team and the impact the care excellent care has on our patients is front and centre.
BSci (Hons), MBBS (Hons), FCICM, MPh
Maurice is the Deputy Director (Quality and Safety) at The Alfred ICU. His specific interests include staff and patient wellbeing as well as improving health care delivery through the integration of informatics and the minimisation of inefficiencies.
He is a partner, father, music lover and mountain bike enthusiast.
FCICM, FACEM, BSc(Hons), BHB, MBChB MClinEpid(ClinTox), DipPaeds, DTM&H, GCertClinSim, PGCertPSCHF, GAICD
Chris is an Intensivist and ECMO specialist at The Alfred ICU, where he is Deputy Director (Education). He is a Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University, the Lead for the Clinician Educator Incubator programme, and a CICM First Part Examiner.
He is an internationally recognised Clinician Educator with a passion for helping clinicians learn and for improving the clinical performance of individuals and collectives. He was one of the founders of the FOAM movement (Free Open-Access Medical education) has been recognised for his contributions to education with awards from ANZICS, ANZAHPE, and ACEM. His one great achievement is being the father of three amazing children.
MBBS (Hons), FCICM, FRACP, DDU (Critical Care)
Paul is an Intensivist and Deputy Director (Workforce) at The Alfred ICU. He undertook Physician and Intensive Care training at The Alfred and completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Intensive Care at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.
His interests include difficult ventilation, echocardiography and circulatory support. Paul is a supervisor of training for the CICM and part of The Alfred ICU echocardiography service. Paul is also a member of the executive committee for the Victorian ECMO Service.
Outside of work, Paul loves to spend time with his family, especially undertaking adventures with his three amazing children.
MPH, MLdrshp, EDA, EDIC, FCARCSI, FCICM, DDU (Critical Care)
Judit is an Intensive Care Specialist and the Deputy Director (Operations) at The Alfred ICU. She originally trained in Hungary and Ireland in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine before completing Intensive Care training, ultrasound and echocardiography training in Australia.
She has completed the Safety, Quality, Informatics and Leadership training program at Harvard University. Her other interests and responsibilities include care of deteriorating patients and supervision of the Medical Emergency Team.
Andrew is Head of Research at The Alfred ICU, and Deputy Director, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre - Monash University. His research interests include traumatic brain injury, sepsis, and ECMO.
Andrew is passionate about supporting trainees/early-career clinician-scientists, and increasing diversity in clinical research. He is a proud product of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Annabelle is the Nurse Unit Manager at The Alfred ICU. She has a passion for patient safety and staff development and wellbeing. Annabelle joined The Alfred ICU team in 2009 and during her time in the unit she has worked in many leadership positions.
Annabelle has worked as a CNS, Clinical Nurse Educator, Clinical Nurse Manager and nurse Manager of Quality and Safety. Whilst working as a Clinical Nurse Manager, she completed her Masters of Nursing, focusing on Leadership and Management in the Nursing profession. Annabelle aims to celebrate the ICU nurse and encourage nurses to continue to grow and develop in their profession.
MSc, MClinPrac
Leah is an accomplished healthcare professional with over 15 years of experience at The Alfred. She currently holds the position of Nurse Manager (Quality and Risk), highlighting her passion for both high-quality patient care and staff support and wellbeing.
Leah's dedication to continuous learning is exemplified by her Master's degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, and she has held various leadership roles, showcasing her versatility and contributions to intensive care. She has held various leadership roles inclusive of Clinical Nurse Manager, ICU Nurse educator and ICU Liaison Nurse.
Brad is the Nurse Manager (Education, Training and Research) at The Alfred ICU. After working in Regional Victoria for several years and completing a Graduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (Intensive Care and Emergency), he relocated to Melbourne.
Brad joined the Alfred ICU team in 2019 as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. He has worked in various roles within the ICU including Associate Nurse Manager and Clinical Nurse Manager, and is currently completing a Masters of Public Health and Masters of Health Administration.
He has a passion for ongoing education and development of the nursing workforce, striving to provide opportunities for nurses to further develop their knowledge and skills, and brings this passion to the Education portfolio in ICU.